image credit: Dominic Taylor/Limerick Writers’ Centre
Concerned Attentions, Salmon Poetry, 2013.
Fifty Years: Poems 1957-2007, Salmon Poetry, 2007.
Stretches, Salmon Poetry, 2002.
The Cold Irish Earth: New and Selected Poems of Ireland, 1965-1995, Salmon Poetry, 1996.
What Trudy Knows and Other Poems, Salmon Poetry, 1994.
The Bears and Other Poems, Salmon Poetry, 1991.
Learning to Spell Zucchini, Salmon Poetry, 1988.
Selected Poems, Aquila Press, 1985.
Hearing of the Hard Times, Northwoods Press, 1981.
A Close Sky Over Killaspuglonane, Dolmen Press, 1968.
Stranger with a Watch, Golden Quill Press, 1965.

image credit: Salmon Poetry
Against All Odds, Lapwing Publications, 2016
The Other Shoe, Pavement Saw Press, 2005.
Greatest Hits 1964-2000, Pudding House Publications, 2001.
An Afternoon Quiet and Other Poems, Pudding House Publications, 1998.
The Cold Irish Earth, Trask House, 1993.
The Flame Room, The Folly Press, 1983.
The Sorcerers: A Laotian Tale, Goliards Press,1972.
In Dinosaur Country, Pierian Press, 1969.
Help Me to a Getaway, Salmon Poetry, 2010.